Friday, January 15, 2010

All by myself....don't want to be all by myself....

The time has come for my husband to abandon me again. He'll only be gone for 2 weeks. Then he'll be home for a day and if all goes well he'll be gone for an additional 2 months. It's been almost a year since he came home from his last deployment and we haven't really spent that much time apart so his leaving is a little harder than I had expected. It also doesn't help that he will be missing yet another birthday, this one being the big 3-0.

He's been gone for about 9 hours and I'm already bored. I don't have many friends here to begin with but it's even worse when the friends I do have all have their husbands here so no one wants to hang out. This is also the first time I'm not working while he's gone. It's not like I don't have stuff to do, I'm just sad that I have to hang out by myself. Thank goodness for the dogs. I don't think I'd even be able to sleep at night if I didn't have the dogs with me.

I'm actually becoming a desperate housewife...