Monday, May 17, 2010

torch party anyone?

Yup, it's that time again! The time for my husband to abandon me and leave 3-4 weeks before anyone else does. The date our stuff arrives on the island is only 7 days away from the date he's supposed to leave. I just hope the movers can get us our stuff before he leaves so he can at least pick out the stuff I'll have to send him.

We spent the first half of the weekend enjoying ourselves and the second half preparing for the upcoming departure. We got to go boogie boarding. The beach right by our house rents them out for $1/hour. I found out that boogie boarding makes me slightly nauseated and I'm too out of shape to be doing it! It was sooo tiring. It was a rush when I was able to catch one wave out of hundreds that I missed but I definitely need to start working out if I want to get out there again. We're going to try surfing next weekend. That should be interesting.

Got our Costco membership yesterday. We were able to save $50 with the coupon book they gave us but spent many more dollars on all the stuff we ended up getting. I'm happy with my $150 underwater camera. Won't be the best camera I ever own but I can bring it snorkeling with me. The sad part is, we didn't even buy any food. It was just the basic cleaning supplies you need to get a household started.

We haven't moved into the house yet but we were able to do all our laundry there yesterday. Unfortunately, the water heater sprang a leak and there was water everywhere when we got home from shopping. The management company hasn't returned any of my calls so we'll have to see how long this lease lasts for. The dogs were able to romp around in the yard as we shopped. I'm pretty sure they felt like they had been abandoned. The funny part is that they seem to have issues doing their business in new places. When we moved from Texas to Georgia they held it for a day because they didn't want to go in the hotel parking lot. As soon as we let them out of the backyard, they ran to the front to find a place to relieve themselves. When we got back to our hotel (which I'm pretty sure they consider home now), they ran out to potty like they hadn't gone in days.

Today has been a fun day of trying to get the water heater fixed, trying to find out where our car title was mailed and why I was charged $52 for a $15 lunch I had last week. And re-typing this post because there was an error and half of it was deleted.... Weekend please!

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