Friday, March 26, 2010

Procrastination never helps anyone!

My name is Cynthia and I am a procrastinator. I have always waited until the last possible minute to do things. I hate being stressed out but I do my best work under that stress. Well, I had a long "To Do" list that I was supposed to get done before the 1st of April. Unfortunately, none of that has been done. Now I'm running out of time! I'm feeling so overwhelmed that instead of throwing myself into getting things done, I feel myself shutting down. So instead I've done absolutely nothing this week!

I was going to do my taxes today. I've given up on finding an alternative to the Tax Center. I was going to go in and see how long I'd have to wait, but I decided the smart thing to do was call and see if I could get an appointment. It's a good thing I called because if you own a house that you're renting out, you have to make an appointment. But because I waited so long to call them I can't get an appointment until a week before taxes are due. Maybe next year I'll be more prepared...

Next up, sending the car. If I can get the car to the shipping place by next week, we'll only have to rent a car for 2 weeks. If I had shipped it a few weeks ago, our car would have been waiting for us when we got there. Now I have to find someone who's willing to drive to Atlanta to pick me up after I drop the car off. So far, it's not looking good. I also have to figure out what I'm going to do with the Jeep. Pay to ship a worthless car or try to sell a car in 2 weeks? I'd like to put it on the lemon lot but once I ship the other car, I'll have no car to drive.

Since I haven't been doing anything productive this week, I've been watching reality TV shows about hoarders. I've always had a tendency towards hoarding but now I'm turning into one of those crazy hoarders. At first, I was just a collector of things. I can't bear to throw things out if I think at some point I might use it or I might be able to give it to someone else to use. None of my things have it's proper place and if I were not married to someone who forces me to move every few years/months, I could easily fill my house to the brim with junk. But this week it's gotten worse. I can't even clean up after myself. I've been leaving garbage and dirty dishes every where. With the possibility of my husband coming home in a week....this is not good! So today I took some big steps by throwing out my collection of old wallets. Every time I get a new wallet, I keep the old wallet in a drawer. I have a whole drawer of old wallets and cell phones. If you're not a hoarder, you can't possibly know how hard a process this is. I tried to get my mom to throw out some of the magnets on her fridge this past summer. Some of them are soo old they have to be scraped off the fridge. I was able to throw out 4 magnets before my mom started grabbing them out of my hand. This does not bode well for my future. So I need to take care of this problem before it gets completely out of hand!

Today, I am having a friend over for dinner. That means at least the minimum has to be done. Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck! And thanks for the post. Reading it enabled me to procrastinate on my own to-do list!

  2. I think I've heard 9 out of 10 hoarders on that show refer to themselves as "a collector of things." Ha! (I'm allowed to laugh at you, because I, too, am in the early stages of hoarder-dom. Love you!
