Monday, March 15, 2010

Post of the month.

Not a very good poster these days. I read the blogs almost every day but it's hard for me to get motivated enough to post to my own. Plus, my life just isn't all that interesting. I have no crafty ideas or recipes to share. I don't have any video clippings of chilidren to amuse people with. And let's face it, who needs to see more pictures or videos of my dogs?

A lot has happened in the past few weeks though. Hubby made it through the first 2 phases of school. If all goes well I will see him in less than 3 weeks. Keri and Skylar came for a visit. It was nice to have someone to chat with and watch Skylar terrorize, I mean play, with my dogs. I love that whenever I see old friends it's just like old times. I travelled to Texas for a wedding but also got to spend a week visiting with friends and co-workers. I stayed with Danna for the week. Spent time with both Mary-Anne and Ellen and their kids. It's fun to see how things have changed while other things will always stay the same. It was great visiting but it made coming home a little harder. While I was away, I had something to do on a daily basis. Now it's just me and the dogs, but I sure did miss them!

We have a little over a month left before the big move. I'm getting excited but also really nervous. There are some things that I've been putting off and I really just need to sit down and get them done. I'm trying to get back into the routine of doing chores and going to the gym.

I got to babysit a one year old over the weekend. At first, I was like...I don't know how mom's do it. How do they get everything done? But as I was getting into the swing of things I realized it's because they have to. There's limited time to do everything so if you don't get stuff done during nap time, it's probably not going to be done for the day. Whereas I have unlimited free time so I think, if I don't do it today...I can always do it tomorrow. Need to get myself out of that mind set. I just hate this waiting around.

Hopefully living in paradise will put me in a better mood.

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