Thursday, November 10, 2011

Rain, rain, go away...

I know no one has any pity for me. It's been raining for a week now but I still live in Hawaii and I'm still wearing shorts and flip flops. But it's just really dragging me down. When we lived in Kapolei, it hardly ever rained. In fact, you prayed for rain because it was so hot and dry. Now, it rains every single morning and for the past week it's been raining throughout the day as well. It's just so dreary outside. The dogs are going crazy and every time they go outside to potty I have to mop the floors...again.

And I miss the change of seasons. It has snowed at least once every where we've ever lived. It's great not to have to change your clothes out or freeze your butt off for a whole season but I don't like that I have to blast the air conditioner to truly enjoy some soup or stew.

Maybe I'm just losing it. I've become a bit of a hermit since we moved on post. I told myself I'd go to the gym classes all the time but I've only been once in the past 2 months. I stopped walking the dogs because I hate walking in the rain by myself and then smelling like wet dog for the rest of the day. We're closer to the commissary than we've ever been before and it's a battle just to get groceries every week.

I am looking forward to Thanksgiving. We're having it at our house this year. But as it gets closer I'm starting to get a little stressed out because I realize how much there is to do and how lazy I've gotten. We're not even fully unpacked yet.

Hopefully the sun will come out soon and this mood will pass. Surf competitions start this weekend which I'm pretty excited about. I just need to get out of this house!

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